Suurjooks ümber Viljandi järve
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Registration for the 94th Grand Race around Lake Viljandi is open!

Photo: Stuudiopunkt

The Grand Race around Lake Viljandi is a continuously running race in Estonia with long-standing traditions, the first race took place in 1928.

The tradition has been carried on, and the 94th Grand Race around Lake Viljandi is almost here! As usual, on May 1 at 12:00 at the Viljandi city stadium!

On the afternoon of April 30, children are invited to the stadium to take part in children's run.

The first round of registration for the 94th Suurjooks is open and will last at a discounted price until the end of 2022!

Sign up, bring a friend and we'll meet on 1st of May at The Grand Race in Viljandi!




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Suurjooks ümber Viljandi järve Telefon: +372 4351575 E-post: